The Beauty of Small Groups

We have to keep the ball rolling.  Who is the we?  My guys.  My men’s Bible study group.  We meet every Saturday morning at 7:00 am. 

There is something special about this group.  Something so special I feel I need to share it with you.  This is not to brag but to encourage you that EVERYONE should aspire to be a part of a small group to study God’s Word. 

This was modeled for us by the greatest small group ever.

When Jesus started his ministry, He handpicked 12 men for His disciples.  His small group.  They met as an entire group often, and their purpose was unified, but Jesus soon split them up.  He sent them out two by two.  He also found his deep dive, group within a group in James, John, and Peter.  As the leader, Jesus was intentional with His time through fellowship, asking questions, and building relationships.

Nothing can ever touch that small group.  I mean, the leader of our men’s group is a pretty awesome guy, but I am pretty sure he doesn’t have a leg up on Jesus.  Still, through my time with these men, I feel I have grown in my spiritual walk in more ways than one.  I am not an expert by any means, but here are a few tips on what I have learned about small groups through the precious months I have spent with mine.

  1. Be consistent.  Have a set time, meeting place, and agenda.  Have a clear plan on how you plan on growing spiritually.  People should know what to expect when they come.  Make it a priority in your life to be there, and encourage others to do the same.  If someone misses, follow up and ask how you can pray for them. 
  2. Mix it up.  Although consistency is good, it is okay to switch the location to Big Biscuit or punt the study and just pray for each other.  Keep things fresh.  Mix in study with prayer.  There will be weeks when one needs to outweigh the other, but in the end it should be close to 50/50.
  3. Meet outside group.  Have a hangout to watch a Royals game.  Meet each other for lunch.  This is where relationships are built.  Commonalities are found.  Encouragement happens.
  4. Text each other.  Check in.  Not in an annoying way but in a way that authentically says I care about you.  If a brother or sister in Christ is having a rough go, send them a scripture, song, or word of encouragement that will lift their spirits.
  5. Be vulnerable.  Let’s face it … this is NOT easy!  Being vulnerable sucks.  But if we don’t share what is hindering our hearts deep down inside, we cannot truly grow.  Open up.  Expose yourself.  Not just one or two but everyone.
  6. Be accountable.  Challenge each other to live right, the way Christ would want.  If you are studying James chapter 3, send out a group text that asks how your tongue has been this week.
  7. Pray.  Don’t just give that empty gonna-pray-for-you statement and then let the busyness of life prevent you from fulfilling it.  Live it out!  Pray for your group on your own, but take it a step further and let people know when you are praying. 
  8. Fellowship.  Why did it take me so long to get here?  Dude, I am already getting hungry just thinking about Cracker Barrel.  We used to have a tradition of meeting there between studies to decide which next opportunity to tackle.  Walls come crashing down when food is a factor. 
  9. Bring treats.  Yeah, this is kinda a repeat of the last one, but there should be food every week.  Not just between studies.  It gives people a reason to come.  Whether it is donuts or bananas or granola bars, anything works.  Divide a treats list up so everyone can participate.  Or even cook it yourselves!
  10. Be leery of time.  Start on time.  End on time.  Have a timekeeper.  Stay the course during conversations.  You can go down rabbit holes quickly.  Don’t ramble during prayer time.  State what you need prayer for and pray as a group.  Satan probably laughs when 95 percent of the morning is explaining prayer requests, leaving 5 percent for actually praying.

Time to apply this stuff, right?  Sounds good here, but unless you actually do it, it means nothing.  I tell you what though, my week is only half over, and my small group is taking off!  We are striving for greatness.  And we are all playing our roles.  Text messages have been popping up.  I have met two men for lunch.  Our Saturday study was a beautiful discussion over prayer.  And we had three treats to pick from there: donuts, bananas, and granola bars. 

Not to pound my chest or flex, but I have to say I was proud of myself for picking the banana.  John’s girls ate the leftover donuts.  And John even posted a cute picture of them at the breakfast table in their PJs.  Another tip.  Share fun stuff like that. 

The more you share life together, the more you grow.

Scripture to support small groups and accountability:

  • “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
  • “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
  • “As they sat down to eat, he took the bread and blessed it. Then he broke it and gave it to them.” (Luke 24:30)
  • “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
  • “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1)
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