God’s Plans vs. My Plans

Nikole, Clint, and Kelli

How is your summer going?  Mine is going well.  Thanks for asking.  As a matter of fact, I would say my summer has been pretty stellar.  Refreshing.  Definitely different—but in a good way.  I was going to do my normal format for my blog.  You know, core scripture, message, yada-yada-yada.  But then I thought … no.  This is summer.  You are allowed to blog in a different way.  How about you just write, Clint?

As Ace Ventura would say … ALRIGHTY, THEN!

Sorry.  Bad dad joke.  I digress …

So, I feel the Holy Spirit telling me to just tell you about my morning.  My men’s group Bible study was phenomenal.  Simply phenomenal.  No other words can describe it.  Coach Bingesser is leading our group through the book of Titus, and the wisdom in that group is daunting.  Talk about starting your day off on the right foot! 

On to my next meeting.  I had just enough time to go home, do a few quick things on the computer, and drive off to one of my favorite coffee shops, Sweet Tees.  You walk in to the alluring aroma of coffee.  Comfy couches, chairs, tables are all awaiting you.  Take your pick.  And around the outside of the walls are hundreds of different coffee mugs. 

Mind blower … YOU get to pick your mug!

I know, right?  Genius.

Olathe FCA rep Jodie Karsak waved me over to the patio.  It was only 9 am.  Not too hot yet.  Light breeze.  Umbrella to block the sun.  It was refreshing to sit down with her.  I don’t get to talk to Jodie too often.  Maybe 2-3 phone calls during the school year and face-to-face in the summer.  In person is so much better. 

She just starts asking me questions.  Do you want a tip on how to make friends?  Be like Jodie.  Ask questions.  Take an interest in others.  You could tell this was not just checking a box to get to know Clint today.  She really, truly, authentically cared about me.  When you find a friend who authentically cares about you, and don’t let them go.  That half hour went way too quickly.

Before you know it, the rest of our crew showed up.  FCA hall of famers Kelli Carr (Baldwin) and Nikole Zegunis (Mission Trail) soon arrived.  That’s right.  Three females.  One dude.  Let’s just say the temperament of the conversation changed from my agenda to Oh, your hat is so cute! And I love those purple bracelets!  I was regretting not having one more guy who I could say, “Hey, how bout them Royals?” 

Ten games over 500 and coming off a 4-3 win over the Yanks.  Not shabby!

My laptop wasn’t even opened yet.  There was nothing to take notes over.  Yet.  Jodie had to leave.  Another meeting.  She told me she wanted me to start FCA at my new school, Heritage Christian Academy.  Game on!  She leaves, and I am left with Kelli and Nikole.  Kelli knows me a little.  Nikole hardly at all.  But the three of us have FCA and the love of Jesus in common, so conversation was completely natural.

I started by telling them about me.  Neither one of them knew what my life had been like over the past year.  Moving from Olathe to Osawatomie and then being hired to teach at HCA.  We talked school politics and how difficult it was to be a Christian teacher in public education.  But somewhere along the line, the conversation shifted to our children.  Nikole has three boys.  Kelli and I both have two boys. They actually high-fived midway through our conversation, saying something like, “Raising boys rules!”

Thank the Lord for commonalities!

I became the listener.  Nikole’s boys are older, in their 20’s.  From my eyes, it seemed like she had raised them well, and I started asking questions.  How much screen time is too much screen time?  What do you do when they say no?  Is forced family fun okay?  What battles do you fight and when do you give in?  What do you do when your son tells you a crown win in Fortnite is more enjoyable than spending quality time with dad?

Can you tell I am raising two middle school boys?

I just listened.  And asked more questions.  And looked at my laptop, somewhat laughing that I only had two notes for each lady there.  I was expecting to have an entire list.  But what good would it have been to write notes about parenting on my FCA notes sheet?  I will say this … the wisdom I gained was priceless.  Here are the top pieces of advice, courtesy of Kelli and Nikole …

  • Change the wifi password in your house.
  • Take away Fortnite if needed.
  • Don’t ever do the double device thing (aka on your phone and watching a movie or TV).
  • Model what you want your kids doing with screen time.
  • Limit YouTube.
  • Pick a day to not parent, taking pressure of you and allowing your kids to learn from their own mistakes.
  • Know that when your kid fights you over taking their phone and they win the physical battle that you have officially entered a Twilight Zone unlike any other. 
  • Know your wife’s love language.
  • Give your wife a pedicure.  Not me myself, but a professional one.  Like a gift card.  Me painting and trimming her nails would just be weird.  I mean, I’d do it, but … yeah, moving on.
  • Take a date night with your wife tonight.
  • Communicate about expectations with your kids.
  • Leave the kids at home to play Fortnite.  It will be a win-win!
  • Get your wife a Coke on the way home. 

And then something happened.  Kelli saw it in my eyes, heard it in my voice.  I was drowning in the waters of raising two teenage boys.  She threw me a life raft. His name is Jesus Christ, and you can get to know Him through prayer.

“Clint, can I pray for you?” 

“God, yes!” I breathed. 

Everything became still.  Nikole shut up.  So did Kelli.  Not that either of them talks too much or anything.  I felt the breeze around me and closed my eyes.  Totally at peace.  Calm as calm can be.  Time seemed to slow down to Matrix-esque movements.  Even the birds chirping became sloth-like.  I sank into a deep meditation, whispering Amen about three or four times.  Nikole added a few uh huhs of her own. 

We were ALL feeling that prayer!

I didn’t want it to end, but when Kelli said, “Amen” it was back to reality.  We all had to scoot off to the next activity in the day.  Kelli grabbed the cups to take back inside, leaving Nikole and I on the patio to begin our goodbyes.  I shut my laptop.  Still two notes per gal.  Oh well. 

Nikole somehow was talking about her tattoo on her arm.  It said only two words … BE STILL.  Man, we were still for that prayer time!  Totally needed in the middle of our crazy summer schedules.  Kelli returned.  I asked both of their permission to write about them on my blog, snapping a selfie of the three of us.  And yes, they said I could use the picture on my blog.  Don’t you just love Kelli’s smile?  I could see it from a mile away when she arrived.

Jodie was there in spirit.

I texted my wife.  No Coke needed.  Cool with me.  I was getting hungry for lunch anyways.  And when I arrived home, I told her I would cook.  Admirable statement from me.  Way to go, Clint!  Problem … my forte is cooking is grilled cheese. Maybe a quesadilla.

“How about we just do Papa Murphy’s?” she asked.


Yes, I can work an oven.  Yay, me!  I am somewhat proud that I limited myself to only three slices of sausage and pepperoni.  My boys talked Fortnite across the table.  My wife and I talked weekend plans the opposite direction.  That is not easy for me.  Easy for her.  She can multi-task.  I can’t. 

Before I knew it, I was at the table alone.  My youngest had to poop.  My oldest was done and actually asked permission to leave the table.  My wife was ready for an afternoon nap.  I cleaned up and told my son I needed the computer. 

Fortnite could wait.

It is almost 2:00 pm now.  I might slow down for an hour or so.  The hammock in the shade of our backyard tree sounds inviting.  I took a selfie there last week to impress my FCA boss, Dustin Gossett.  He’s another FCA rock star.  Another bald dude in his 40’s.  Love the guy with all my heart.

Me in my hammock.

Yeah, this day has not turned out the way I had planned.  I wanted to learn more about Baldwin and Mission Trail’s FCA huddles, but instead I found myself in a parenting therapy session.  I was the one putting my feet up and talking about my feelings.  Only in America can a man get paid for that. 

Proverbs 16:9 says, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”  James 4:14 explains it this way: “How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”  As I write this, my youngest is asking to use the computer. 

Time for my hammock.  Sorry, Dustin.  I know you are a teeny bit jealous. 

Just the perks of a teacher on summer break. 

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