Running Dialogue

Core Scripture: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” (John 16:13)

Message: Our church’s interim pastor, Randy Gariss, explained it so well.  Picture yourself waking up in the morning with someone right next to you.  They follow you through your morning routine.  Brushing your teeth.  Making breakfast.  Going to work.  This person is like your shadow for the remainder of the day.

Would it be odder to talk to that person or to ignore that person?

The Bible tells us that once we are saved, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  It dwells inside us forever.  A precious gift from God that provides guidance through our life.  Jesus tells us in John 14:26, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”  Pretty amazing. 

Let’s cut to the chase … How often do we embrace conversations with God throughout our day?  Do we listen to the Holy Spirit’s nudgings, or do we choose to let our flesh take control at the steering wheel?  How do we know when the Spirit talks to us?

Something has happened to me since I heard that sermon a few weeks ago.  I started opening my heart to those moments when the Holy Spirit speaks.  You would be astonished at how much of a difference it has made for me.  Slowly I have been giving the Lord more control.

The last week of school provides ample opportunities for us to take the Holy Spirit’s advice …

  • Do I listen to sports talk radio, or do I allow encouraging Christian music to flood me on my drive to work?
  • Do I ignore people in the hallway I don’t know, or do I smile and say hi?
  • Do I vent about the frustrations of the day with a group of colleagues, ignoring the kids, or do I glance up in the bleachers, studying the kids’ body language, picking up on cues who might need help?
  • Do I show a movie, hoping that it just keeps the kids’ attention and passes the time, or do I show a character-building video, leading discussion on how it applies to their lives?
  • Do I allow apathy to keep me from disciplining a common rule I see broken, or do I hold true to expectations that have been followed all year?
  • Do I let a student’s misbehavior boil my anger, or do I cling to patience, knowing my Christlike character is being witnessed by many?
  • Do I walk over the candy wrapper on the hallway floor, or do I bend over to pick it up?
  • Do I check emails at my desk, or do I interact with my students?
  • Do I ignore the ADHD kids, forcing them to sit and do busy work, or do I find enjoyable activities to get them up and moving about?
  • Do I pretend to ignore a student’s problem, or do I help guide them through it?
  • Do I pack up my belongings early to get out the door, or do I take time to write a quick note and deliver it to our office secretary to encourage her?
  • Do I play a mindless game on my phone, or do I text a message to a colleague who has had a stressful week?
  • Do I pass out a word search puzzle, or do I give my 6th graders wisdom about how to succeed in a job interview?
  • Do I ignore students as they enter my room, or do I greet them at the door by name with a high five?
  • Do I watch a mindless YouTube video over lunch, or do I invite a needy student to eat lunch with me, allowing them to bring a few friends?
  • Do I choose not to engage the evening custodian walking outside my classroom, or do I call out to her to thank her for her diligent work?

The common thread I see woven into the Holy Spirit’s nudgings is service.  Putting others before myself.  Philippians 2:3-4 states, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

The Holy Spirit can speak to you through the Word, a song, a prayer, or numerous other ways.  Find those checkpoints throughout your day to tune in.  Communicate.  Continue that running dialogue all day long.  Pause to listen.  Act upon what you hear. 

This last week is not about me.  It is about my students.  I want to send them off right.  The clock is ticking.  Only two and a half more days to make a difference. 

Challenge: Saturate yourself in scripture this week.  Engage in a running dialogue with the Holy Spirit throughout your day.  Give it complete control of your life.  Every thought captive.  Every decision made.  Everything driven by the spirit of Jesus that lives inside us all. 

Song application: “Fall Like Rain” by Passion

God, I live to worship You
All my life, I offer You
Simple melodies of sacrifice

Open hands and open heart
You’re the only one I want
Your presence is my treasure, my delight

Fall like rain
Holy Spirit, fall like rain
Holy Spirit, have Your way
Let Your glory fall down
Let Your glory fall down

Bible study: Here is the sermon from Randy Gariss about the Holy Spirit.  Watch this video.  Take notes.  Ask yourself questions.  The sermon is peppered with scripture about the Holy Spirit that is sure to get you fired up!

Prayer points: Lift up the following areas to the Lord …

  • Praise God for the Holy Spirit that He blesses all Christians with when they are saved.
  • Pray that we as Christian teachers can pay heed to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  • Pray that we will choose the Holy Spirit over our flesh this last week of school.

Just for fun: I lived out one of my dreams this week.  There was a day when I walked by our staff’s PLC room and saw three of my colleagues chatting.  I opened the door and recreated the famous line from the movie Airplane, saying, “I just want to tell you all, good luck—we’re all counting on you.”  They looked confused at first, but then laughed when I referenced the movie.  One teacher looked back at me and said, “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”  Yes, another famous line from Airplane

Prayer: Lord, thank you for all the different ways You speak to me.  Please help me listen to Your voice and follow.  Amen.

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