Teaching the LGBTQ

Core Scripture: “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37)

Message: Our world today has become so different.  We are teaching in a society that is beginning to embrace the LGBTQ lifestyle.  Suddenly the Christian teacher is being put on trial to answer some dangerous questions …

Do we call students by their desired pronouns?  Should we refer to students by a different name they wish to go by?  How do we navigate standing up for our beliefs when we do not embrace the lifestyles seen in these sweet kids?

I remember the year it happened.  It was the year after COVID.  I had at least eight to ten students that were questioning their gender.  Multiple kids were going by different names.  Different pronouns.  They were so confused about their identity.  And they all just wanted to be accepted.  To be loved. 

Teaching that group helped me come up with a game plan on how to address those difficult questions.  I do not consider myself to be an expert by any means; however, I will say this … I am gaining understanding on how to teach these kids, and I learn more every day. 

First and foremost, you never want to jeopardize a relationship.  God doesn’t want us to judge these kids.  If anything, He wants us to show compassionate and sympathetic hearts.  I treat them with as much love and kindness as anyone else, and I advocate for them if they are harassed in any way.

As for pronouns and names, I use whatever they wish to go by.  Do I ever mess up?  Sure.  But I catch myself, and I will always apologize to the kid off to the side.  I don’t make a big deal out of it.  Most of the time they are very forgiving and don’t want to cause any trouble.  They feel loved when you at least try. 

Last year I had a kid who tried to trap me.  He asked if I was a Christian.  I said yes.  He then said, “So, you hate gay people?”  He was just trying to get a rise out of me, and he said it with a smirk.  I got down to his level and told him that I do not hate gays and treat them the same way I do all my other students: with love. 

Just because I care for these students does not mean I embrace what they stand for.  I live out my faith by treating them with kindness and respect.  I pray for them.  I help them.  I let them know I am there for them.  And I do not single them out.  I treat them the same as any other kid that enters my classroom. 

God does not want us to judge.  He wants us to love.  1 John 3:18 says, “My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”  Be that love to your students.  ALL your students. 

Challenge: Treat the LGBTQ students the way you would any other student.  Never single them out.  Care for them.  Show them love.  And if you have any tips on how to address these issues, feel free to drop a reply at the bottom. 

Bible study: Read Matthew 9:10-13 and journal or discuss the following questions:

  1. How did the pharisees view outsiders?
  2. How did Jesus treat the sinners at His table?
  3. How can we apply this to the way we treat others?

Prayer points: Lift up the following areas to the Lord …

  • Praise God for the opportunities He gives us to show love to the LGBTQ students we teach.
  • Pray for the protection of these kids and that God would help them find their true identity.
  • Pray that Christian teachers can demonstrate God’s love to these sweet children.   

Just for fun: Sixth grade boys are a unique species.  The week before Spring Break, a girl’s hand went up.  I noticed a disgusted look on her face.  She said the boy next to her was growling at her.  I shook my head and smiled, saying, “I have taught for 21 years, and I am almost positive I have never said this before, but (insert boy’s name), please stop growling at her.” 

Prayer: Lord, give me wisdom on how to teach all Your precious children—especially the ones who are struggling with identity.  May my actions toward them demonstrate Your unconditional love.  Amen. 

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